6. 7. 2009

A přeci je Menheim živé město!

Hlásala Goebbelsova cedule v rozbořeném městě. (Jen nevím, jestli to byl Menheim).



Cedule o živoucím městě.

Nehynoucí propaganda.


Chci padesát tisíc.

Nezestudím čest svou ani čest svého lidu.




Nový Katyň.


Kdyby Hitler zemřel v roce 1938 při autonehodě, stal by se největším Němcem.


Norimberský proces.

Göring by nebyl lepší.

J. J. Heydecker & J. Leeb.

kniha Norimberský proces.

5. 7. 2009

Tma tmoucí

Na tebe Luna svítí.

Leč hvězda žádná není.

Zmizelo dne světlo.

Už není.

V půli noci.

17. 6. 2009

Hello and goodbye

Holiday... Oh, my holiday... I have 2 months to spend them by doing nothing. I have already brought many books from the City library of Prague to read them home. They are about operating systems (GNU/Linux only :-)), about the World War II. and the Germany, about the Arts, some Orwells and so many others (60 books)... Sometimes, I will work and I know, that I am going to spend a lot of time with my notebook, which is broken at the moment. And don't you think that today is a beautiful day? It isn't so hot or cold... Prefect. So, I am not sure, that I will write here soon, so I want to say you Goodbye and Happy holiday!

2. 6. 2009

Not because of yesterday...

...because of tomorrow. That's the answer for my question Why are we here?

16. 5. 2009

Use Mozzilla, not stupid and dangerous IE

Fight between Mozzilla and Internet Explorer.

I just looked at graphs of my blog at googleanalytics.com and I saw, that many of you are using Internet Explorer. You really couldn't choosed worse. IE is unstable, slow and it has got many of safety holes. But still, many people are using it.


Because of Micro$oft install his products on their Window$. And many people do NOT know, that they can use other internet browser like Mozzilla Firefox, Opera, etc, which are FREE. And faster and safetier and they have OPEN SOURCE CODE.

What does it mean?

For you, it does't mean a lot. But that is the reason, why they are better. Because everybody can see the source code, everybody can see, how it works. And everybody can corrects the BUGS, means mistakes in the code. But IE is proprietal, that means that nobody can sees source codes.

But how about viruses?

Don't be scared. Hackers can see the source code too and make viruses using safety holes in it. BUT much more people see the code and repair it before the virus can hurt the computer. But source codes of IE can see only employees of the Micro$oft. Can you see the difference in the number of eyes, who see the codes? Micro$oft has got much less people to improve his software, here IE. That is the reason for OPEN SOURCE software. OP software is developing all the tome and improving. And mostly it is free.

Why don't you try it for free?

Some open source software ad operating systems to the proprietary software and operating systems.

IE --> Mozzilla Firefox, Opera and others
MS Office --> OpenOffice.org, Abiword
MS Outloook --> Mozzilla Thunderbird, Evolution
MS Windows Vista/XP, Mac --> LINUX (like Ubuntu, Debian, openSUSE, Mandriva, Fedora), freeBSD...
Photoshop --> GIMP, another graphic program is Inkscape for vector painting..

And so many others.

Why don't you try it for free?

Feel the spring in the air, feel the summer. And feel our future.

I feel a bit depressed of this spring. It is too summer weather... It is so hot for me. But is it spring or is it summer yet? And how about our calendar. Is it good dated? Is 16th of May or of July?

I read an interesting book about it a half a year ago. It was really interesting reading. And from that time I am not scared of the December of 2012, the end of the Mayan calendar... They were too lazy to cut their calendar into stone for thousands of years in the future. But I am really interested, what will happen. Maybe it will be the third economical colaps because people will buy only food for many years under the ground, scared of nuclear war, Obama and meteorits. Funny, funny. It is funny now, but imagine THIS future. No end of the world but only the end of OUR world. Such as the New World Order. Not NWO as we are scared of but the New World Order without states and politics. Just so many people traveling through the world, armies and sectarians. They are the only reason I am really scared. I don't like the todays religions, especially Catholics, but the better thing on it is, that people are UNITED in some parishes and in... ...CULTs.... Nowadays cults are very dangerous. They are like or worse than alcohol and other drugs. It (cult or a drug) sucks you. It sucks your money, health, mind... It sucks your world. The only thing it gaves you is A) (for drugs) a happy feeling B) (for cults) extasy. Both is really dangerous and I am really scared of our future this way. Because one cult can change the world. Like Catholics... And did they bring us only GOOD things? (Did they bring anything good??) They brought wars... Fights for money... They brought new torture methods. Theys have killed so many people because their FAITH was another. Because they were ANOTHER.

Because they wanted to live their way of life. Because they wanted to live free.

Our tickets for future are here. And it is our thing, what will we do. It is our life and our chance. Don't miss out on it, because we live only once.

Morning fog at Golden Bridge gate

photo by Grombo - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Grombo

Creative Commons license
Creative Commons Attribution Creative Commons Share Alike This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5, Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 and Attribution ShareAlike 1.0 License. In short: you are free to share and make derivative works of the file under the conditions that you appropriately attribute it, and that you distribute it only under a license identical to this one.

You may select the license of your choice.

I have discovered this photo right now. It is great, isn't it?

15. 5. 2009


It is my style, that I say, that something isn't my style...

For many articles I wanted to write about somebody.
But I am not going to write about this mysterious person. Maybe later. Maybe never.

I love the end of the school year... oh, it is not so true... I will miss so many people... ...which I love to talk with them and spend time with them. But I will NOT meet so many and many people which I don't like.... Great... But I don't like summer holiday, it is too long for me and for most of the time I don't do anything. I just lie in my bed and sleep or read or eat...

And now it is a half to eleven and I don't want to...

Hm... I don't exactly know what I really don't want to.

Sorry for my style, but I feel a bit empty... I am not empty but I just don't know how to tell you about me. It is not true... I just do NOT want to write about that things because... (it is not my style?!!!)

No, just because I feel a bit hurted.

28. 4. 2009

2 is better than 1!

It is a stupid name, isn´t it? Are two homes better than one? Are two girls better than one? Oh, it isn´t so sure, but... :-) If someone likes it, it don´t mind me...

But did NOT wanted to write about this...

I have just made my second blog. In Czech. Hurray says Czech readers, but I am going to use the second one to publish my ideas and essays...

This blog will NOT die now. Maybe later.

And the address is: reczenze.blogspot.com

14. 4. 2009

Love me or not

I just wanted to tell you good night. Hope I'm not bothering you, my little kids. It is eleven PM and I'm NOT sleepy, but I have to sleep. Stupid. I'm looking at the ING logo, the church, trams, park, homeless, trees and....

I'm just going to sleep now. Good night.

19. 3. 2009

Essays on...

I am thinking of writing essays. Novels. Stories. Just thinking of writing. I have already wrote my essay on Human soul, but it is bad... Really bad and I need to improve it. My idea is good but I need to help it out. I am going to write essays on my life, my ideas, my world, world... On beauty...

And I am glad that I borrowed book which I looked for more than a half a year.

Next Eco.

Foucault's pendulum.

I have already read Baudolino (great) and heard The name of rose (great, too). Eco is a very good writer. He allows reader to feel the Hero's feelings and ideas. I like his style.

I look at my diary and I see so many emty places. Empty days. I am going to full them.

And I am going to improve my English and French. And I want to learn Deutch, because of many of my friends. (Oh, sorry for that shock but I have friends... Some friends... :D )

I love world (NO, I am totally clear!)

11. 3. 2009


Nothing. Nobody. Nowhere. Great life. Yeah.

6. 3. 2009

I miss so many people

I feel a bit tired... There are so many things I have to do. I wish I could do half of them. Now I am siting in a library and thinking... I feel, that I miss so many people. There are so many people I want to meet. So many of lovely people. I feel a bit depressed. Of winter? Yes. I miss the sun, too. I miss the energy. The light. I hate this white light...

23. 2. 2009

Moře slov

Ano, světe div se, po dlouhé době článek v češtině. Svým způsobem jsem na dně. (poznámka po napsání článku - tento článek mi pomohl na jí to, co duše věděla už dávno) Oficiálně na vrcholu blaha, ale na dně. Nadešel čas se změnit. Že by na mne tolik zapůsobil Baudolino? Eco, sic výborný autor, je jen jednou částí. Mění se můj pohled na svět...

Kompletně. Ano, zůstanu i nadále cynikem a krutou sketou, ale možná, že jsem teď poznal pravdu. Po tolikáté... Jen jsem se zamyslil nad tím, kdo jsem a kam kráčím. V tomhle měl Petřvalský, náš, jak ho popsat, excentrický hudebkář pravdu. Možná si Kleopatra (nebo Knedlík, Perník ?), pokud to teda čte, což nečekám, vzpomene na náš "výlet", nene, procházku po krásách Pražského hradu a na můj rozhovor s naším profesorem, tak... (tak co, plácám nesmysly) Jinak řečeno se mi s ním povedlo zapřít 2 podobné rozhovory. A jeden z nich se právě odehrál na schodech, když jsme šli z Hradu. Zařadil jsem ho to kategorie mírně teologických. Ne, o bohu/bozích nepadlo snad ani slovo. Jen to byl rozhovor moudrý. To také není správné slovo... No, prostě mě přinutil k zamyšlení.

Druhý takový rozhovor se odehrál přímo ve škole, ani nevím, jestli takových nebylo více nebo jak vlastně začal... Nebo jestli to nebyl ten první, jelikož si pamatuji na jeho přerušení u dveří školy. No já si jen pamatuji, že se odehrál u klavíru... Spíš si pamatuji příběh, který mi vyprávěl a ke kterému se dostávám tak dlouhou dobu...

No zkrátka mi vyprávěl, že kdesi pan Knížák vyprávěl, že kdesi (parazitické slovo) někdy v blízké době (typické z amerických filmů - součastné světové poměry s hi-tech hračkami) To také není správné slovo... No v každém případě se to neudálo moc dávno...

Ale k věci...

Někde někdy v Africe obrovský kámen zavalil průsmyk... Těžká technika, pokud vůbec byla, by se k takovému místu nedostala. Cesta byla pro místní obyvatele životně důležitá. (Teď mám možnost vymyslet si, že na druhé straně byla studna, ale nemusím si to tolik přiklášlovat, drahý Baudolino) A drazí afričánci si drbali hlavu, jak na to. Až někoho (dobře, starého stařečka, který by kámen nepřelezl a zhynul žízní, protože ho jeho zeť nemá rád a vodu/oxid vodný/H20/wasser/water/eau mu zkrátka nedal) napadlo, aby ke kameni vypravili hlouček malých dětí vybavených kladívky. A děti (chudáci datlíci) kladívky klepali až z velkého kamene, byl jen malý kamínek. Pohádky konec, všichni se šťastně dožili své smrti a stařec se mohl napít.

Teď si jenom všimněte, že v přikrášlené části dávám věci reálné (starý dědek by velký balvan asi těžko přelezl a pokud ano, určitě by se přizabil) a nereálné (dobře, zeť nemá tchána rád, ale snad starcova dcera by mu napít dala...) Tipuju, že si mnoho lidí pomyslí, že na přikrášlené verzi není nic nereálného. A teď proč: 1) je to daleko a určitě mají jiné zvyky (dobře, ale otce snad umřít žízní nenechám)
2) jsou necivilizovaní (to docela ano, ale viz. bod 1)
3) jsou líní (to ano, každý je líný, ale viz body 1 a 2)

Dobře plácám trochu kraviny, ale je půlnoc (poznámka po napsání - lhal jsem Vám, v době psaní této věty bylo již 0:19 a nyní je jedna - zase lež - 1:07), opilý nejsem (poznámka po napsání - tady jsem nelhal, ale bylo mi pod psa - to zas n e, ale říkám tomu prázdná nálada) a trpím akutní potřebou se vypsat. (poznámka po napsání - byl bych napsal dodatek, ale nechci si kazit krásný, patetický konec - chtěl jsem původně psát o tom, jak mi tento notebook vypověděl službu, respektive touchpad a tlačítka myši a o tom, jak mě to sere, ale viditelně jsem se už dlouho nevypsal a nevypovídal...)

Samotný příběh je nezajímavý, nevíme ani jméno hrdinů, ovšem nese poselství. Pravdu. Myšlenku.

Hromada malých dětí porazila velký šutr (a změnila své své společenské poměry, jelikož nyní není chudák dědula odkázán na milost a nemilost svého zetě).

Ještě jednou a důkladněji.

Pár drobečké položilo kolos na kolena.

Něco vám selže. Něco Vás zdolá. Život vás zdolá.

První "poselství" nese tento příběh. Druhé poselství nese Winston Smith v Orwellově 1984. Nebo spíše tento příběh následuju poselství Winstona Smithe.

Tuto větu, těchto pár vět pronáší Winston Smith na laminy (=ministerstvu lásky) při jednom z výslechů. Je to předpověď pádu všech společenských řádů, které nedají člověku ani trochu svobody. Trocu možnosti být sám sebou. Podle mne, po této větě Winston zemřel a nadále žil v jeho těle jen, nevím jak to nazvat, "správný soudruh" přivedený opět na cestu Strany. Co Orwell předpovídá, to tento příběh a všechny (z pohledu komunistů) reakcionářské revoluce, kontrarevoluce... Zkrátka kontrakomunism-rekapitalistickodemokratické revoluce to dokazují.

Cením si George Orwella i přesto, že Eric Arthur Blair byl jen člověkem.

Patetická pauza v tomto eposu...

No ale zpět ke mně. Vždyck jsem si myslel, že to já budu ten nejlepší a nejlepší revolucionář Země. A že budu mít moc? Já jsem přece dobrý, já se nezměním, já se do korupce nezapletu. Já ne.


Moc člověka dostane.

Ať si říká co chce, dostane. Bylo už mnohých, kdo podlehli klamu, že je moc nezmění. Změnila. Jak řekl Mongol, jaký to modrý člověk na svá léta (řekl by konzertvativec), v muzeu voskových figurýn bych se asi zařadil vedle lidí otitulovaných jako "největší tyran lidstva" "masový vrah" a podobně. Jak opět řekl Mongol, jaký to moudrý člověk (říkám já), jakmile si revolucionář řekne, tak teď použijeme moc a potom budeme hodný, nikdy se ke druhé části svého plánu nedostane. Schválně, jestli si takovíto revolucionáři uvědomili své omyly. Ono která revoluce se nezvrhla, že?

No zkrátka jsem si představoval, že vytvořím ideální sociální společnost, vymýtím chudobu, korupci a založím společnost založenou na schopnostech ovšem s ohledem na slabé a nemocné.


Všechny tyto věci a debaty mě změnily. Nechci se zapsat do dějin lidstva. Chci být člověkem, který svou drobnou snahou posunul svět o kousíček dál. Chci zemřít jako starý muž, na kterého po jeho smrti někdo pomyslí a řekne si, byl to dobrý člověk.

Tady by se hodil a konec a každý si řekne, jaký jsem skvělý, že jsem na to takto přišel. Ale tato myšlenka mi nepatří. Přečetl jsem si jí v rozhovoru S Tomiem Okamurou. Trpěl úplně stejným komplexem. Sice ještě mrtvý není, ale i tak můžu říci, že je to člověk moudrý a hodný

27. 1. 2009

I (sorry but I'm egoist and sorry for that ugly colour)

I wanna write so many things. But I don't know how to start this little story. I want to become a better human. I want to become a human. That's my style. My life. I don't have time to do so many things. I need and want to tide up. I need and really want to make time to read my books... I bought some interesting essays written by W. B. Yeats. Not Yeast (droždí in Czech) as I thought. I am really happy that I have them by my own but I don't have time. And my English... Terrible... I am thinking of studying English by my own. Or I can visit some classes but I don't have enough money because it costs an arm and a leg... But I have a very good practisebook at home, so I think Ican handle it. And again about the money... I will finally work as a telephone salesman... Terrible work... Quite nice money.. Oh, it will be a great day... My first salary...

And I hate pink.

14. 1. 2009

Time to... Time to... Time to choose my first notebook

Yes, I am slowly going to get my first computer in my life. But I have to choose it and that's the problem - I do NOT know how to choose a good one. Yes, I understand words like RAM memory, HDD, processor and the only thing I look at is the number. "Only 1GB of RAM? Not for me - I wanna more and more..." That's my style. I know, that I have to look at the RAM speed but I don't know, what's good...

13. 1. 2009

Music I am listening to...

Actually favourite: Lily Allen - The fear & Tereza Kerndlová - Anděl & No Doubt - It's my life & Britney Spears - Piece of me'n'Womanizer
other interprets in my handy: Gwen Stefani, Enigma, t.A.T.u., The Smiths, Rammstein, The Butterfly Effect
CDs: Enigma, Gwen Stefani, t.A.T.u., Madonna, Evanesence, Mozart & etc.
MP3 player, which I don't know where it is: Gwen Stefani, Nightwish and others...

Time to... Time to... Time to write a new article!

Just my thought. Nothing more, nothing less. And it doesn't have sense.
I am a film star.
I have a new plant.
I wanna make this world better.
I wanna be rich and famous.
Today I have eaten 4 eggs yet.
I am writing 2 novels and 2 short stories at the moment.
I am still sick.
I still love science and chemistry.
I love arts, too.
I hate Akon's new song, NA, NA, NA....
I love this sessions.

11. 1. 2009

Kill me. Please, kill me. I am an old man, so kill me. It doesn't hurt. Just do it.

I am a bit tired of everything. And I am sick. I am sick of people but I have a cough and a headache, too. There are so many things, I wanna write about. Books, musics but feelings, too. But I don't wanna bore you, as I bored some people today. YES, I am sick and tired. And angry&jealous. And ...&... Sorry.

7. 1. 2009


Exams. I have exams from Czech, English, Maths and Chemistry. I have done English and Czech and I think it was really easy, but I didn't study so they were lots of things I didn't know in the Czech test. English was quite easy for me, but the listening was a bit harder because of stupid radio, which made lots of noise and just a bit of dialogue... But I think, it wasn't so difficult... Tommorow, I'll have to write tests from Maths, which I am scared of, and from Chemistry, which isn't difficult. It's going to be a really hard day with a lot of chocolate :D.

2. 1. 2009

January, the second


listened to: Lily Allen

read: interesting book about chemistry

thinked about: somebody

ate: a lot of chocolate

drinked: water

mood: Today, when I was shopping I wanted to hug everybody and tell them, that I love them, so I think, that I was a bit in another world...

did: tidying up

enjoyed: Lily Allen's songs, freedom, my trip to the library, making a bread, eating my bread, reading. . .

It's snowing. . .

Today, I went to my/public library with some books. I opened the main door and I saw snow on the ground. I looked up and I saw that is snowing... Just a bit, but it was snowing! HURRAAAY...

my new year's resolutions

I hereby promise that I'll:

eat a lot of chocolate, do bad things, get drunk at least one time, be naughty, smoke cigarettes (again, at least one), drink coffee, be lazy, be obsessed, kick somebody's ass, be vulgar, become fat, not clean my teeth, not wash up........

These are my new year's resolutions and I? I am a poor guy, who doesn't like this stupid idea.;-)

1. 1. 2009


I wrote 3 full pages of my new diary only about one person. It is really indcredible that it is possible to write. I think, it is very important person for me.


As Elvis Presley sings in one of his song: "Oh, it was a night," I must write, that I totally agree... I went to sleep at quarter to three in the morning... I feel really sucked and tired, although I didn't drink any alcohol... poor drunk people... This New Year's Eve, I spent chatting with some friends on ICQ and it was really funny... And I didn't countdown, I nearly missed the moment...