27. 1. 2009

I (sorry but I'm egoist and sorry for that ugly colour)

I wanna write so many things. But I don't know how to start this little story. I want to become a better human. I want to become a human. That's my style. My life. I don't have time to do so many things. I need and want to tide up. I need and really want to make time to read my books... I bought some interesting essays written by W. B. Yeats. Not Yeast (droždí in Czech) as I thought. I am really happy that I have them by my own but I don't have time. And my English... Terrible... I am thinking of studying English by my own. Or I can visit some classes but I don't have enough money because it costs an arm and a leg... But I have a very good practisebook at home, so I think Ican handle it. And again about the money... I will finally work as a telephone salesman... Terrible work... Quite nice money.. Oh, it will be a great day... My first salary...

And I hate pink.

14. 1. 2009

Time to... Time to... Time to choose my first notebook

Yes, I am slowly going to get my first computer in my life. But I have to choose it and that's the problem - I do NOT know how to choose a good one. Yes, I understand words like RAM memory, HDD, processor and the only thing I look at is the number. "Only 1GB of RAM? Not for me - I wanna more and more..." That's my style. I know, that I have to look at the RAM speed but I don't know, what's good...

13. 1. 2009

Music I am listening to...

Actually favourite: Lily Allen - The fear & Tereza Kerndlová - Anděl & No Doubt - It's my life & Britney Spears - Piece of me'n'Womanizer
other interprets in my handy: Gwen Stefani, Enigma, t.A.T.u., The Smiths, Rammstein, The Butterfly Effect
CDs: Enigma, Gwen Stefani, t.A.T.u., Madonna, Evanesence, Mozart & etc.
MP3 player, which I don't know where it is: Gwen Stefani, Nightwish and others...

Time to... Time to... Time to write a new article!

Just my thought. Nothing more, nothing less. And it doesn't have sense.
I am a film star.
I have a new plant.
I wanna make this world better.
I wanna be rich and famous.
Today I have eaten 4 eggs yet.
I am writing 2 novels and 2 short stories at the moment.
I am still sick.
I still love science and chemistry.
I love arts, too.
I hate Akon's new song, NA, NA, NA....
I love this sessions.

11. 1. 2009

Kill me. Please, kill me. I am an old man, so kill me. It doesn't hurt. Just do it.

I am a bit tired of everything. And I am sick. I am sick of people but I have a cough and a headache, too. There are so many things, I wanna write about. Books, musics but feelings, too. But I don't wanna bore you, as I bored some people today. YES, I am sick and tired. And angry&jealous. And ...&... Sorry.

7. 1. 2009


Exams. I have exams from Czech, English, Maths and Chemistry. I have done English and Czech and I think it was really easy, but I didn't study so they were lots of things I didn't know in the Czech test. English was quite easy for me, but the listening was a bit harder because of stupid radio, which made lots of noise and just a bit of dialogue... But I think, it wasn't so difficult... Tommorow, I'll have to write tests from Maths, which I am scared of, and from Chemistry, which isn't difficult. It's going to be a really hard day with a lot of chocolate :D.

2. 1. 2009

January, the second


listened to: Lily Allen

read: interesting book about chemistry

thinked about: somebody

ate: a lot of chocolate

drinked: water

mood: Today, when I was shopping I wanted to hug everybody and tell them, that I love them, so I think, that I was a bit in another world...

did: tidying up

enjoyed: Lily Allen's songs, freedom, my trip to the library, making a bread, eating my bread, reading. . .

It's snowing. . .

Today, I went to my/public library with some books. I opened the main door and I saw snow on the ground. I looked up and I saw that is snowing... Just a bit, but it was snowing! HURRAAAY...

my new year's resolutions

I hereby promise that I'll:

eat a lot of chocolate, do bad things, get drunk at least one time, be naughty, smoke cigarettes (again, at least one), drink coffee, be lazy, be obsessed, kick somebody's ass, be vulgar, become fat, not clean my teeth, not wash up........

These are my new year's resolutions and I? I am a poor guy, who doesn't like this stupid idea.;-)

1. 1. 2009


I wrote 3 full pages of my new diary only about one person. It is really indcredible that it is possible to write. I think, it is very important person for me.


As Elvis Presley sings in one of his song: "Oh, it was a night," I must write, that I totally agree... I went to sleep at quarter to three in the morning... I feel really sucked and tired, although I didn't drink any alcohol... poor drunk people... This New Year's Eve, I spent chatting with some friends on ICQ and it was really funny... And I didn't countdown, I nearly missed the moment...